Relationship Breakup – Why It Happens What To Do And How To Prevent It

A relationship breakup happens for a number of reasons, most notably because of either lack of communication or abuse of some kind such as emotional, physical, mental or even substance. It is one thing to have nothing to talk about because you two are probably thinking about different things at that time. But when you constantly not talk to each other and ignore what each other says, then that begins to be a problem. More importantly, finding interesting things to do together and nice projects to work on that both of you can relate to is vitally important to prevent a relationship breakup.

The emotional abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse are significant factors in determining whether a relationship should break up or not. No person ever deserves to be abused, and no on has the right to abuse their partner. A slap is abuse – plain and simple. When you realize that, then you will be well on your way to breaking up your relationship. Mental and emotional abuse is just as bad. When your partner puts you down and criticizes you without giving you encouraging statements, then that is a form of mental and emotional abuse. Even if they say that you “deserve” it, that is not true either. No person deserves to be put down or called “stupid” or “dumb”. If this continues, then it is probably time to breakup the relationship.

When you are breaking up the relationship, it is important to start cutting ties from your partner, such as friends, family and co-workers. You should block him or her on Facebook and other social networks, and delete his or her number from your phone. Surround yourself with supportive family members of your own, your closest trusted friends, and any advisers from your local church or community center.

If your partner breaks up with you, step back and take a deep breath. Find someone who you know and trust and talk it out with them. Cry it out if you have to. In every sad stage in life, there must be some sort of grieving or else that feeling will be bottled up inside you. There are some things you can work on for yourself in order to prevent any problems that might have arose in the past one. Even though it may not have been your fault, aim to communicate with your partner more and to be a better listener. Also be more open to doing new activities. Pick someone who shares your same values and beliefs, and is not addicted to substances or drinking alcohol. These are just some things you can do to prevent a relationship breakup.