Restoring Broken Relationships By Going Back To The Basics

With social networking sites becoming more and more popular, people are now able to communicate constantly with their loved ones and partners. Time and distance are irrelevant here because the worldwide web allows you to send a message with just a click of your mouse.
At first glance, you think this is a very great idea. You simply have to sign up with a site, get in touch with everyone in your lives, and post comments on your wall, but when it comes to relationships, the old-fashioned methods are still so much better. Facebook and Twitter might work for long-distance relationships, but when you live in the same city as your partner, then you might have to rethink about connecting via the net.

The Downside of Technology

The problem with technology is that things have become less personal. Hence, this could also cause the relationship to break down and fall apart. Just know that you should never air your dirty linen in public. Some people have obviously taken this belief for granted. They write what they feel on their walls, badmouth people they know, or simply announce to everyone how much they love their partner. Sure, it can be romantic, but then again, some things are better left private.

Bring on the romance when you’re together. In all honesty, most of your friends don’t really want to listen to your baby-talk. And when some of them do react, you don’t take this too well. You have to realize that once you put your emotions on the wall, this is subject to public opinion. So, if you’re not ready to be judged, then you better be careful with your statuses.

Going Back to Basics

Restore your relationship by making things special. Share experiences only with him. Remember, what you say to your partner should stay with just him. When love is involved, whatever comes out of your mouth has a big impact.

So, whenever you have a fight, think twice before you tell everyone else that you’re having issues. It’s better to talk directly and hash out your issues. This means that when emotions are running high, it’s time to take a step back and think about what you say or do. Make decisions when you’ve cooled off. Plus, it’s always nice to throw in a bit of mystery in your relationship. Loving someone is such a personal thing.

Love and Romance

When it comes to love, you also have to realize that a little bit of effort goes a long way. You have to make your partner feel that you’re willing to do something extra just to show them how much you care for them. A little ‘love you’ on the wall may win you some extra points, but a letter or time alone is worth so much more.

The fires of intimacy last longer when there’s actual contact. Plus, think about why you’re in a relationship in the first place. It’s because you want the physical presence of someone when you’re in both the highest and lowest points in your life. The only opinion that matters is right now and is from your other half.

So, let social networking sites be just for your friends from far away and live your real life with your partner and the people that you’re close to. To rekindle the love in your relationship, it’s better to go back to the basics.