Every one of us has ended a relationship at one time or another. There are various reasons for ending a relationship, and there are important things to know before you end it. In addition to knowing why a relationship should be ended, you should also know what you should do before ending a relationship, while you are ending it, and after you end it. There is also help and support available to you throughout the process to make it as painless as possible.
Some reasons to end a relationship include lack of communication, lack of honesty, incompatible viewpoints and abuse. Communication is the cornerstone of a successful relationship, and without it, your bond together will be loosened. Honesty is another big one. If you or your partner are not honest with each other, how will you learn to trust each other when times get hard? If you do not trust your partner and see that you will continue not to trust him or her, then it might be time to consider ending the relationship.
When both of you have incompatible viewpoints, especially on certain significant topics like children, religion, spirituality and family values, then there needs to be some serious consideration as to whether or not you should continue the relationship. This is because down the road when those issues come up, your true side will come out and all the mess will hit the fan. It’s best to discuss it and nip it in the bud right now. Abuse is another big factor in ending a relationship. No person has the right to abuse his or her partner whether it is physically, emotionally or mentally. One of the biggest reasons for ending a relationship has to do with someone abusing the other person.
While you are ending your relationship, it is important to cut off all ties with that person such as friends, family members, co-workers, etc. This is to avoid coming back into the trap of being tempted to get back together again. Have some trusted people you can talk to in order to help you through the process. There is also help and support available to you to make the situation as painless as possible. After ending a relationship, continue to keep yourself busy and surround yourself with people you know and trust. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself, so stay positive and reach out to your family and community.